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08 Aug

Small-scale contractors wanted!

Smallholding Scotland, the organisation recently established to support and promote smallholders in Scotland, is looking for contractors to join their list of those wanting to provide services to small-scale farmers.

A list of shearers is already on the website but the organisation would like to have a list of scanners and a list of other service providers up and running before the end of the summer.

“The trustees of the organisation are all smallholders ourselves, so we know the problems,” said Rosemary Champion, “Not all contractors want to take on wee jobs, but some positively welcome them and the jobs need to be done, so as a service to our community and those contractors, we thought it would be a good idea to bring the two together”.

Listing is free. “We need contact details, a link to a website or social media page, a brief description of services offered and area covered”, explained Rosemary, “These should be emailed to enquiries@smalholding.scot and we’ll get them added to the list.”

“As a new organisation, we’re looking for ways to help our members – and we’re looking for folk to join up too, so that when we talk to the Scottish Government and other organisations, we are properly representative. It’s only £20 a year, and folk can join via the website”.