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03 Jul

Small Farm Grant Scheme

Smallholding Scotland is concerned about the low uptake of the Small Farm Grant Scheme. These concerns have been raised formally with Fergus Ewing MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Connectivity and Mr Ewing has asked his civil servants to review the scheme.

On Wednesday 28th June, Rosemary Champion, co-Chair of Smallholding Scotland, met with Adam Briggs, Senior Policy Officer in the Crofting Bill Team to outline concerns about the structure of the scheme, including the 3ha minimum land area and the income bar for eligibility.

It is likely that the review will be considered by the Minister after the Scottish Parliament’s summer recess.

Smallholding Scotland would welcome comments from smallholders on the scheme, particularly if you have made an application, regardless of whether you were successful or not.

01 Jul

Scotland’s Food: farming for the future

Andy Phillips represented Smallholding Scotland at an event held at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 27th June.

“Scotland’s Food: farming for the future”, hosted by Soil Association Scotland and sponsored by Peter Chapman MSP, forms part of the Scottish Food Coalition’s national good food conversation. The aim of the event was to provide MSPs with the opportunity to hear from farmers and food producers on how the upcoming Good Food Nation Bill has the potential to secure a thriving economy, a greener environment and healthier people now and in the future.

30 Jun

Joining SCVO

Smallholding Scotland has applied to join the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) so that the management committee has access to the best information and advice on managing a voluntary organisation.

30 Jun

Smallholding Scotland becomes a SCIO

The management committee of Smallholding Scotland received confirmation today that the organisation has been granted status of Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

This is great news as it not only recognises the charitable purposes of the Smallholding Scotland, but will allow access to additional funding streams.

The organisation remains a membership organisation and you can apply for membership NOW by clicking on the Join Us button on the website. Only by securing a healthy membership, can Smallholding Scotland represent the views of smallholders in Scotland.

29 Jun

Cabinet Secretary’s reception

On Friday 23rd June, Arnot Tippett and Rosemary Champion represented Smallholding Scotland at a reception hosted by the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Ecomony and Connectivity, Fergus Ewing MSP.

This was an opportunity for the new organisation to begin building useful contacts that will help to progress its members issues. A positive start was made at the event and committee members will continue to build links with other related organisations.

29 Jun

Smallholding Scotland website launched

Smallholding Scotland launched its website on Wednesday 21st June 2017, just in time for the Royal Highland Show.

Committee members distributed information to various stands at the Highland including the Rare Breed Survival Trust, Scottish Crofting Federation and SRUC.

Annual membership is £20; a range of member benefits will be developed in response to feedback from members.

The committee has identified the development of a comprehensive web-based information hub for smallholders as a priority.