Dates for your diary 2019
Smallholding Scotland Conference Friday 15th February Pitcairngreen Village Hall, Perth
Scottish Smallholder Festival Saturday 28thSeptember Lanark Agricultural Centre
Sales of Poultry and Waterfowl and Rare Breed Livestock
Aberdeen and Northern Marts, Thainstone
May 18th Rare Breed Sales
August 31st Rare Breed Sale including show and sale of Jacob and Ryeland sheep)
Longtown Market
Poultry sales on March 30th and November 2nd
Dingwall Market
March 16th Rare breed poutry and native bred livestock
Harrison and Hetherington, Carlisle
February 23rd Poultry, waterfowl and pigs
September 21st Rare Breeds Sale including shows and sales of Longhorn and Dexter cattle, Jacob, Ryeland, Kerry Hill, Hebridean and Border Leicester sheep
Lawrie &Symington, Lanark Agricultural Centre
Poultry and waterfowl sales 7th February, 7th March, 25th April, 30th May, 9th July, 1st August, 30th August26th September and 28th November
September 5th Rare Breed Sale
Lawrie and Symington, The Forfar Mart
Poultry and waterfowl sales 21st February, 9th May, 25th July and 10th October
These dates are believed to be correct but please check with the individual market operator nearer the time.