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08 Aug

Smallholding-sitters wanted!

Sometimes even smallholders like to have a wee break away from the farm, but if there’s no family or friends to look after the place, it can be hard to organise.

Following on from the “Small Flock Shearers” list, we’re putting together a list of “smallholding-sitters”.

If you ARE a “smallholding-sitter” or know someone who provides this service, please send details (name, contact email and / or phone number, area covered and a short description of the service you offer ( max 30 words)) to enquiries@smallholding.scot and we’ll get you on the list.

08 Aug

Small-scale contractors wanted!

Smallholding Scotland, the organisation recently established to support and promote smallholders in Scotland, is looking for contractors to join their list of those wanting to provide services to small-scale farmers.

A list of shearers is already on the website but the organisation would like to have a list of scanners and a list of other service providers up and running before the end of the summer.

“The trustees of the organisation are all smallholders ourselves, so we know the problems,” said Rosemary Champion, “Not all contractors want to take on wee jobs, but some positively welcome them and the jobs need to be done, so as a service to our community and those contractors, we thought it would be a good idea to bring the two together”.

Listing is free. “We need contact details, a link to a website or social media page, a brief description of services offered and area covered”, explained Rosemary, “These should be emailed to enquiries@smalholding.scot and we’ll get them added to the list.”

“As a new organisation, we’re looking for ways to help our members – and we’re looking for folk to join up too, so that when we talk to the Scottish Government and other organisations, we are properly representative. It’s only £20 a year, and folk can join via the website”.

31 Jul

Scottish Smallholder Festival changes date and venue for 2019

Due to circumstances beyond its control, Smallholding Scotland, the charity behind the Scottish Smallholder Festival, has announced changes to both the date and venue for this year’s Festival.

The Festival will now be held at the The Forfar Mart on Saturday 26th October 2019.

This decision has been taken following updated information received in the last few days from Lawrie & Symington in Lanark, which confirmed that the reserved date of 28th September is no longer suitable, due to other activities taking place at their venue.

The organisers will be contacting all speakers, trade and craft stand holders, entrants and other associated parties to discuss the change, and full refunds will be given if necessary.

Smallholding Scotland regrets any disappointment or inconvenience caused and hopes that the smallholding community will support the Festival again this year. The organisation would also like to thank the Forfar Mart for assisting us in securing an alternative date, thereby allowing us to continue to stage this important Festival in 2019.

The event remains the only one of its type specifically aimed at smallholders and crofters, and will include topical seminars, livestock and equine showcase, rural skills, poultry & waterfowl show plus local food and retail opportunities.

More information will be released soon.

31 Jul

Women in Agriculture Taskforce Health & Safety Survey

The Women in Agriculture Taskforce is currently discussing recommendations on farm safety.  The Taskforce needs your help and input to determine what recommendations would be most practical and effective.

The research report Women in farming and the agriculture sector (2017) found that some women sometimes take risks to prove they are as able to farm as men.  Issues were also raised about having the right equipment for women to farm safely, and the safety of children in the farmyard.  However, these issues are also highly relevant for male farmers, older farmers, farmers with disabilities or injuries, and children.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.


19 Jul

Is your smallholding business a company or Scottish Limited Partnership?

The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) together with Companies House are currently holding an open consultation on Corporate Transparency and Register Reform to:

  • consider the reform to the information they require companies to disclose
  • increase the checks on this information and
  • improve the exchange of intelligence between Companies House and UK Law Enforcement bodies

The consultation, which is open until 5 August 2019, seeks your views on a series of reforms to limit the risk of misuse of corporate entities, including Scottish Limited Partnerships.

At a recent stakeholder event where the proposals were discussed, both BEIS and Companies House urged stakeholders, business and the professional community to respond to their proposals.

11 Jul

New list of small flock shearers launched

Smallholding Scotland was estabished to promote, support and represent smallhoders in Scotland. This week has seen the launch of a web-based list of shearers willing to shear small flocks of sheep. Early summer sees many small flock keepers looking  shearers so Smallholding Scotland is seeking to get contact details all in one place.

So if you are, or if you know, a shearer who shears small flocks and would like to be included on the list, please send contact details (name, email and / or phone contact, area covered and any other information up to 30 words) to enquiries@smallholding.scot.

14 Feb

Conference cancelled

With regret, we have had to cancel tomorrow’s conference. Ticket sales were poor and we just couldn’t justify bringing speakers from all over Scotland.

Thank you to those who did buy tickets. You should already have recieved an email about a refund. If you haven’t, please check your Spam folder or email enquiries@smallholding.scot

31 Jan

Smallholding Scotland Survey Launched

Smallholding Scotland exists to represent, promote and support smallholding across Scotland. To do this better, we are launching a survey that will run throughout February 2019 to find out more about small land holdings and those who own and manage them.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. Very few of the questions are compulsory but the more you complete, the more accurate the resulting data will be.

Please do take the time out of your busy day to do this – it’s the first time any survey like this has been done and the more folk that complete it, the better.


Thank you from the Trustees of Smallholding Scotland