Shearers for small flocks

(Updated July 2024)

Please note that inclusion in this list does not imply any scrutiny, approval or endorsement by Smallholding Scotland.

If you are a shearer and want to be included on the list, please send your details – name, contact details (email and / or phone), area covered and additional details up to 30 words to

There is currently no charge for this listing.

Nameemail addressPhoneAreaAdditional information
Alistair Stewartbalnamoon@aol.comAngus and Perthshire
Kenneth O'Connoroconnorkenneth@icloud.comBased Lanark, covering the Central Belt
Cahal MacewanCrofter24@hotmail.com07599 677066Based Dingwall, covering Black Isle to Tain and across to Ullapool
Callum MacMillanbirchtreegoats@outlook.com07428 241052Central BeltBWMB Bronze Shearer. Also contact via Birchtree Farm FB page
Jamie Jackjackjamie23@yahoo.com07545 764668Based Dunfermline, Fife; will travel up to 100 miles; more for large flocksBlue shearing certificate held. Will shear up to 120 sheep per day plus tups. Willing to crutch ewes and lambs.
Scott McCreathmccreathlleyn@gmail.com07742 186521East Lothian, Midlothian and Berwickshire
Pam Sutherlandpam.sutherland@btopenworld.com07855 317412Aberdeenshire and MorayShearing sheep only
James McIntoshmcintoshfencing@gmail.com07969 506305Central Belt and PerthshireBWMB Gold Shield
Sarah Asherdarachcroft@gmail.comBased PH36 but happy to travel for petrol contribution (40p per mile)Crofter with own small flock; worked with sheep for 15 years. Hand shearing but will use mechanical clippers if client prefers. Price negotiable as would like some fleece for own use.
Ian Carnegieiancarnegie371@btinternet.com07732 835705AberdeenshireMachine or blade. BWMB Gold.
Craig Harrower
07880810169Based Drymen but covers Central Belt
Stuart Tillbrookstuarttillbrook@yahoo.com07964097110Aberdeenshire areaCan clip Ryelands
Jon Todd07943688631Angus / Tayside / Fife and possibly further afield
Robert Derry07786658411Caithness every July